1st UAS Workshop
“UAS for mapping and monitoring”
September 05-07, 2018 in Warsaw, Poland

Presentation Guidelines


Speakers are asked to arrive at the room where their session will be held at least 15 minutes before session starts, so that the session chairs can meet you and give time for any potential last minute issues to be addressed. Bring the copy of your presentation on a USB memory stick in PPT or PDF format with you. According to the number of presentations (3-4) in each session, the presentation time is 15-18 minutes plus 5 minutes Q & A.



For each poster, one poster board in portrait format is reserved. Posters should be no more than 75 x 150 cm in dimensions. It is advised that a sufficiently large font (more than 14 pts) is used for the text and no more than 60% of the poster area is occupied by text, with at least 40% consisting of figures, graphs, tables, and images. The author(s) are expected to be present in the poster area during the poster session, in order to answer questions from other participants.